Q: I want to place an order but I can’t seem to find the exact specification on your website, what should I do?

A: Please give us a call or email about your order, from there we will discuss further on how to best accommodate your needs.

Q: I’m an international buyer, do you ship to my country?

A: Yes we ship internationally, through air and sea. Please let us know what country are you in and we will arrange on the shipment agreement.

Q: What is your minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

A: It depends on the product, some will have higher and some lower minimum quantity. Please liaise with us for your order’s MOQ.

Q: What is the estimated delivery time for an order?

A: It depends on the quantity of the order, once an order is placed it is our duty to deliver it as soon as possible. On average, our delivery time is 2 months maximum.

Q: What currency do you deal in?

A: For local (Indonesia) orders we deal in Rupiah (IDR), whilst International orders are in US Dollar (USD).